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Judicial Procedures


纪律投诉是一份书面声明,声称365bet学生或学生 组织有违反365bet《365bet》的行为 Conduct.”

365bet大学社区的任何成员(工作人员,教师或学生)都有权利 对学生或学生组织提出纪律申诉.

一般来说,纪律投诉可以提交给学生事务办公室 with either the Director of Community Care & Standards (Room 208B, Morgan University 中心),或住宿、生活和餐饮服务主任(119室, Miller Hall). 如果对学生或学生组织的指控有 被认为违反州、地方或联邦法律的可能性 also may be filed with Campus Police (Shasteen Building).


Complaint form

咨询适当的365bet管理员(社区关怀主任) & Standards, Director of Housing/Residence Life & Dining Services, or Campus Police Officer or ),以协助评估投诉行为是否存在 你所观察到的可能被视为违反了365bet“学生行为准则”或/和 of a local, state or federal laws; reviewing the 365bet Hearing Procedures and/or local 对学生或学生组织作出裁决的法律程序; 确定你的权利和被指控学生或学生组织的权利 in either hearing process; assessing the potential outcome and subsequent actions to be taken following a hearing; preparing a written complaint.

如有可能,你应在事件发生后尽快提出投诉; in order to remember details of the incident. In the 365bet Disciplinary System there 从事件发生之日起至 the date of filing a complaint. However, you should file the complaint at the earliest possible date following the incident.

投诉应该是对事件的详细和真实的描述,或你的 observations, written in chronological order. It should describe the actions of all 事件的参与者,应该包括你听到的任何陈述 made by the accused, by yourself, and by any witnesses. It should list the names of all parties involved – accused student(s), witnesses, victims. The complaint does 不需要包括具体的365bet规定,你认为已经违反了 the accused student or organization. The complaint should NOT include any judgmental 关于你观察到的或建议的行为的陈述、个人结论 disciplinary actions to be taken against the accused.


Complaint Form

你将有权出席任何纪律听证会有关 your complaint; To be given the opportunity to make a statement during a hearing; 要求传唤特定的个人作为证人出席听证会,或传唤 submit a witness statement in support of your complaint; To hear any statements made 在听审时由被告或证人在场,并向其提出问题 them during the hearing; To be informed of the outcome of the hearing and any disciplinary 对被指控的学生或组织所采取的行动 a complaint.

被指控的学生或学生组织将有权选择听证会 format for the adjudication of the case. Currently, the options include: An informal 与学生事务管理员讨论—此选项仅适用于学生 a student’s first violation of minor regulations. (An anecdotal record is maintained 由管理员,在他/她的个人档案,并将成为学生的一部分 或组织的正式纪律记录,如果发生额外的违规行为.) An Administrative 与一名或多名学生事务行政听证官进行听证-此选项 包括一个有组织的听证会,所有与事件有关的各方都将出席 invited. (如果发现该学生或组织对违规行为负有责任 “学生行为准则”,将保留正式的纪律处分记录 在学生事务办公室工作至少4年. If the 决定导致学生停学或开除,或组织停学, the formal disciplinary record will be maintained permanently.) A hearing with the 大学听证委员会,其成员包括管理人员、教师和学生. (记录将按照上文所列的与行政部门相同的准则保存 Hearing.)认罪并请求“放弃”听审的权利. (In 在这种情况下,行政听证主任将审查案件并作出决定 关于对学生或组织采取的纪律处分. 该记录将按照上述其他记录的相同准则保存 formal disciplinary records.) A hearing following the Guidelines of the Tennessee 统一行政程序法(TUAPA) -此选项仅适用于 cases that may result in a suspension or expulsion.

列出所有纪律处分,可用于当学生或组织 谁对《365bet平台》中的违规行为负有责任 is available on the website for the Student Handbook. Generally, disciplinary actions 包括警告,限制,缓刑,社区服务,转介 counseling, fines, suspension and expulsion. A description of each appears in the “Code.如欲查询详情,请联络社区关怀署署长 & Standards in the Office of Student Affairs at 931-221-6226.