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Swim Lessons

当谈到游泳课程时,福伊游泳池提供了几种不同的选择.  We offer American Red Cross group lessons from the Parent & Child level through Learn-to-Swim level 3. 365bet也很自豪能够提供私人和半私人游泳课程 for those wanting a more tailored, one-on-one instruction.

swim instructor teaching child to float on back

Group Swim Lessons  Private Swim Lessons 

请注意:欢迎团体及私人游泳课程参加者到户外游泳 他们的游泳课,在我们开放的游泳时间,与购买一天或一季 pass. 

Group Swim Lessons

We offer American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim (LTS) levels 1-3, Preschool Aquatics, Parent & Child Aquatics, and Adult levels of swimming 教导参加者如何熟练而安全地游泳的指示. All Learn-to-Swim 课程包括基本的水上安全和生存技能的指导.

课程为期两周,每周4天,共8次,每次45分钟 classes, with one instructor for every six participants. Preschool and Parent & Child Aquatics levels are taught for eight 30-minute classes per session. All lessons are held at the Foy Fitness & Recreation Center's Pool located on 365bet's main campus between the tennis courts. 

Cancellations:如遇恶劣天气/雷击,课程不能举行,游泳教练 那周五的补课时间会如期举行吗. In the 如果在同一周内再次出现恶劣天气延误,将教授安全主题 inside the Foy Center (with similar ages grouped together).

Refunds:如果教师必须取消课程(人员变动),则退款。 weather, etc.)或在课程开始前一星期内申请退款 start date. 所有的请求都应该寄给劳伦·威尔金森,邮箱:wilkinsonl@w3ealthcreator.com.


Per 2 week session:

在福伊健身和娱乐中心亲自注册,或在网上注册 below. Call 931-221-7564 with any questions. 

2024 Group Swim Lesson Session Schedule

Inclement Weather Policy:如遇恶劣天气,课程的水上安全部分为 在课堂上使用视频和老师的例子进行教学 max of ONE time per session.

8 - 8:45 am: private or semi-privates only (see below)

9 - 9:45 am: Preschool*, Level 1

10 - 10:45 am: Preschool*, Level 2

11 - 11:45 am: Level 1

3 - 3:45 pm: Preschool*

5 - 5:45 pm: private or semi-privates only (see below)


Registration will close Saturday June 1 at 11:59 pm

*Preschool and Parent & Child classes are 30-minutes each

Register Here!

8 - 8:45 am: Level 1, Level 2

9 - 9:45 am: Preschool*, Level 1

10 - 10:45 am: Level 1, Level 2

11 - 11:45 am: Preschool*, Level 2, Level 3

4 - 4:45 pm: Preschool*

5 - 5:45 pm: Parent and Child*


Registration will be open June 7 6:00 pm to June 14 8:00 am

*Preschool and Parent & Child classes are 30-minutes each

Register Here!

10 - 10:45 am: Preschool* Level 1

11 - 11:45 am: Level 2, Level 3

3 - 3:30 pm: Preschool*

4 - 4:45 pm: Level 1

5 - 5:45 pm: Adult


Registration will be open June 22 12:00 am to July 5 7:00 am

*Preschool and Parent & Child classes are 30-minutes each

Register Here!

9 - 9:45 am:  Level 1

10 - 10:45 am: Level 2

Registration will close July 19 at 11:00 am

Register Here!


Swim Lesson Level Descriptions

家长和儿童感官游泳课程各三十(30)分钟,是 designed for 6 months – 3 years old. 

本课程的目的是让学生熟悉水并做好准备 在美国红十字会学前游泳或学习游泳课程学习游泳. 参与者将通过游戏、歌曲、 and activities designed for their age level. This course is not 旨在教孩子成为优秀的游泳者或在水里生存 their own.

水上学前班每堂课三十(30)分钟,是为 3-5岁的孩子,并根据孩子的技能分为三个级别.

红十字会学前水上运动为幼儿提供积极的,发展的 appropriate aquatic learning experiences. Preschool Aquatics is designed to orient 让幼儿接触水生环境,帮助他们获得基本的水生知识 skills.  此外,参与者开始学习如何在水周围保持安全.  参与者将开始在前线和后方获得基本的推进技能 背并开始建立独立的水上运动技能. 

一级游泳课程每节45分钟,是为5-7岁的孩子设计的 years old.

本课程帮助学生在水中感到舒适和享受.  Participants 将学习滑翔机和浮子,并开始学习游泳的基本知识.  The purpose 这门课的目的是开始培养积极的态度,良好的游泳习惯,以及 在水里和水周围的安全练习,以及漂浮和 swimming.  学生可能仍然需要老师在表演技巧方面的帮助.

2级游泳课程每节45分钟,建议儿童参加 6-8 years old.

参与者必须在水中和水下感到舒适,才能在这个级别中取得成功.  本课程的目的是让学员掌握基本技能, 包括学习如何在没有支撑的情况下漂浮,恢复到垂直位置,表演 the front and back crawl, and how to tread water.  This course is designed to build 运用在第一级学到的技能,在没有帮助的情况下完成任务.

三级游泳课程每节45分钟,建议儿童参加 7 years of age and above.

参与者必须能够进行基本的笔划,例如在关卡中学习的那些笔划 2, without assistance.  This class is designed to build upon the skills learned in 2级,使学生熟悉更深的水和更精确的技术.  学生将学习踩水,执行旋转呼吸,并成功做到 自由泳,初级仰泳,扑水,海豚式,蛙泳.  此外,学生可以学习踩水、扑水和海豚踢腿 swimming at least 50 yards continuously using various strokes.

针对15岁及以上的参与者的游泳课程,为期两周 每六名学员由一名教练指导共8节45分钟的课程.

    • Beginner: For adults who have no aquatic experience. Participants will learn to float, tread 水,滑翔,从水下取回物体,以及至少三次踢腿的基本技能 and strokes.
    • Intermediate:适合了解游泳基本知识但希望提高技术的成年人 and/or learn new and proper kicks and strokes. Participants will learn to swim longer 在至少三种踢腿和划水组合中达到适当的距离和技术. 

Private Swim Lessons

参加私人游泳课程的人会从训练有素的教练那里得到一对一的指导 instructor based upon his/her abilities, skills and needs. Lessons are offered for every age and swim level. Each private lesson will be specifically designed for the 参与者,提供了一些技能和能力,通过演练,游戏和 lesson plans that are geared toward the individual age group.

私人游泳课程分为两周,每周两次,每次45分钟 each, for 4 classes total. Participants can register for either a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday class at the designated times. 学龄前及以下儿童的游泳课约为30-35分钟.

Cancellations:如遇恶劣天气/雷击,课程不能举行,游泳教练 那周五的补课时间会如期举行吗. In the 如果在同一周内再次出现恶劣天气延误,将教授安全主题 inside the Foy Center (with similar ages grouped together).

Refunds:如果教师必须取消课程(人员变动),则退款。 weather, etc.),或申请退款不迟于课程前一星期 start date. 所有的请求都应该寄给劳伦·威尔金森,邮箱:wilkinsonl@w3ealthcreator.com.

2024 Private Swim Lesson Session Schedule



Registration open until Saturday June 1 at 11:59 pm

*Lessons for preschool age and younger are 30-minutes each

Register Now!

8 - 8:45 am M/W - 1 spot

8 - 8:45 am T/TH - 1 spot

9 - 9:45 am M/W - 1 spot

9 - 9:45 am T/TH - 1 spot

10 - 10:45 am M/W - 1 spot

10 - 10:45 am T/TH - 1 spot

3 - 3:45 pm - M/W - 2 spot

3 - 3:45 pm - T/TH - 2 spot

4 - 4:45 pm - M/W - 1 spot

4 - 4:45 pm - T/TH - 1 spot

5 - 5:45 pm - M/W - 1 spot

5 - 5:45 pm - T/TH - 1 spot


Registration will be open June 7 6:00 pm to June 14 8:00 am

*Lessons for preschool age and younger are 30-minutes each

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8 - 8:45 am M/W - 2 spots

8 - 8:45 am T/TH -3 spot

9 - 9:45 am M/W - 2 spots

9 - 9:45 am T/TH -3 spot

4 - 4:45 pm - M/W - 1 spot

4 - 4:45 pm - T/TH - 1 spot

5 - 5:45 pm - M/W - 1 spot

5 - 5:45 pm - T/TH - 1 spot

Spots may be filled. 有关最新的可用性,请访问以下注册网站. 

Registration will be open June 22 12:00 am to July 5 7:00 am

*Lessons for preschool age and younger are 30-minutes each

Register Now!



Per 2 week session: