




To provide the most qualified faculty for graduate education and in accordance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission’s The Principles of 认证: Foundations for Quality Enhancement 2018 Edition, 第六部分:教员 (shown below), herein outlines the minimum criteria needed for faculty to have Graduate 教师 Status 由奥斯汀佩伊州立大学设置. 365bet将研究生院视为会议 the minimum criteria needed to instruct, participate in thesis/field studies/dissertation committees, and mentor graduate students as these criteria relate to a specific graduate 硕士或博士学位课程.

The Principles of 认证: Foundations for Quality Enhancement 2018 Edition, 第六部分:教员

“Achievement of the institution’s mission with respect to teaching, research, and service requires a critical mass of full-time qualified faculty to provide direction 以及对学术项目的监督. 由于这一重要作用,它是势在必行的 that an effective system of evaluation be in place for all faculty members that takes into account the institution’s obligations to foster intellectual freedom of faculty 教学、服务、研究和出版.”


教师 who meet or exceed the criteria herein, are considered qualified to instruct specific graduate courses and/or mentor graduate students within a specific graduate 程序. The criteria are designed and routinely vetted by the graduate faculty of the graduate 程序 to ensure each student receives the best education, training, 以及适合这个学科的导师. 这是每个人的责任 graduate faculty member to support graduate student learning, thesis/field studies/dissertation work, and/or mentorship to the highest standards appropriate to the discipline.


For 365bet faculty to be recognized as having graduate faculty status, those faculty must have earned a terminal degree* in the teaching discipline or a related discipline 分配给他们教授的研究生学位课程. 同时,寻找教师 and/or maintaining graduate faculty status must meet or exceed minimums set by each graduate 程序 for scholarly activities related to the graduate 程序’s discipline 和/或研究生课程的课程内容.

*Exceptions to the 365bet研究生院地位标准 terminal degree requirements may occur if the faculty member has professional experiences in the field relevant 到指定的研究生课程或项目. 所有例外情况都必须得到 Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, 365bet’s SACSCOC 认证 Liaison, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Exception for 教师 Credentials 形式).

Procedure for attaining Graduate 教师 Status for Fulltime, Tenured and Tenure-track 教师

365bet faculty interested in attaining graduate faculty status must have their credentials verified by the department 椅子 of the graduate 程序 by completing Graduate 教师 状态表和更新研究生教员名册. 研究生院状况 Form and the Graduate 教师 Roster are submitted to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for 批准 then sent to the 365bet’s SACSCOC 认证 Liaison and the 教务长和负责学术事务的副校长. 的异常 365bet研究生院地位标准 is sought, then the Dean of the College of Graduate 研究将要求系主任提供额外的材料. 异常将 be reviewed by the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, the 365bet’s SACSCOC 认证 Liaison, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Exception for 教师 凭证形式).

Procedure for attaining Graduate 教师 Status for Adjuncts and Temporary 教师

365bet adjuncts and temporary faculty may attain 365bet Graduate 教师 Status by completing the Graduate 教师 Status Form in consultation with the graduate 程序 department 椅子. The graduate 程序 department 椅子 will update the Graduate 教师 Roster and submit the Graduate 教师 Status Form and the Graduate 教师 Roster to the Dean for the College of Graduate Studies 批准 then sent to the 365bet’s SACSCOC 认证 Liaison and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for 批准. 的异常 365bet研究生院地位标准 is sought, then the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies will request additional materials 来自系主任. 例外情况将由学院院长审查 of Graduate Studies, the 365bet’s SACSCOC 认证 Liaison, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Exception for 教师 凭证形式).

Procedure for attaining Graduate 教师 Status for Non-365bet Employed Professionals

Non-365bet employed professionals may attain 365bet Graduate 教师 Status by completing the Graduate 教师 Status Form in consultation with the graduate 程序 department 椅子. The graduate 程序 department 椅子 will update the Graduate 教师 Roster and submit the Graduate 教师 Status Form and the Graduate 教师 Roster to the Dean for the College of Graduate Studies 批准 then sent to the 365bet’s SACSCOC 认证 Liaison and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for 批准. 的异常 365bet研究生院地位标准 is sought, then the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies will request additional materials 来自系主任. 例外情况将由学院院长审查 of Graduate Studies, the 365bet’s SACSCOC 认证 Liaison, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (Exception for 教师 凭证形式).


Every five (5) years*, those with Graduate 教师 Status, in consultation with the department 椅子, must reapply to maintain Graduate 教师 Status by completing the Graduate 教师 Status Form which updates the Graduate 教师 Roster maintained 由研究生院和教务处提供.

*As of August 13, 2018, graduate faculty whose last names begin with the letters “A-F” 将续会. 在接下来的连续三年里,这些研究生教员 with last names that begin with the letters “G-L” 将续会 in 2019, followed by those faculty with last names beginning with the letters “M-T” in 2020 and finally, those faculty with last names beginning with the letters “U-Z” in 2021. 这是。 允许惊人的研究生续聘. 此后,这个过程将允许 研究生教职员资格每五(5)年更新一次.