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Academics: The Basics

Student in classroom

Academic questions? See the Undergraduate Bulletin


Academic Calendar

View important dates on the Academic Calendar.


Course Syllabus

Your student will receive a syllabus in each class. The syllabus includes information such as class attendance, policies, required materials and textbooks, instructor contact information, assignments and due dates. Students should use their syllabus to plan for assignments and to help manage time.


Class Load

所有大学作业的基本单位是“学期学分”.” For undergraduate students, twelve (12) semester hours for Fall or Spring semester is a full-time load in determining such things as veteran status, financial aid, and insurance eligibility.

To determine your eligibility for Clarksville campus and our Fort Campbell campus, please visit the Financial Aid website at tfj.w3ealthcreator.com/financialaid. However, the usual load for a full-time undergraduate student is at least 15 semester hours. 因为夏季学期大约是整个学期的三分之一, the workload for one course is three times as heavy. 365bet strongly recommends students 每个夏季学期注册不超过六(6)学时. Graduate students 谁在学期中注册了八(8)个小时被认为是全日制.


Class Attendance: It’s expected.

学生应按时上课,积极参与课堂活动,积极参与 prepared with assignments. The University requires all faculty to report students who have never attended or who stopped attending class. The impact of class attendance on the final grade is at the purview of the teaching faculty, and faculty will inform class members of their attendance policies through a course syllabus distributed at the beginning of the semester or term. Irregular attendance may result in a referral to the Office of University Student Success (GovSignal). 

Unless the student is officially representing the University off-campus, the discretion 教师决定对错过考试或工作的处理.

Class absenteeism that results in the grade of “FA” (failure: stopped attending and reported within 14 days of the last date of attendance) or “FN” (failure: never attended and reported within the first 14 days of class) may adversely affect the student’s time status, and financial aid repayment of lottery scholarship and/or veteran’s benefits. Grades of "FA" are awarded for courses when a student stops attending class and the “FN”等级是指那些学生从未上过课的课程.


Student Classification

The classification of undergraduate students is based on number of credit hours they have earned as follows:


Registration and Academic Advising

Students are assigned a faculty or professional adviser at the time of initial enrollment. Students can see their academic adviser’s name in OneStop on the academic advising page. 顾问帮助学生明确个人目标、职业选择、课程 study, program requirements and educational needs. While the adviser assists the student to identify and assess the alternatives and the consequences of academic decisions, academic choices rest with the students. Each department and college has policies specific to advisement. Students who have not declared a major will be assisted in choosing an academic focus and appropriate core courses by student success coordinators. Freshmen will be assigned to a professional academic advisor, either in their College or with Student Success. 二年级,三年级和四年级学生将由部门建议 of their declared major.

Currently enrolled students may use this checklist as a brief summary of registration requirements. During or before the designated preregistration period:


UNIV 1000

所有入学时间少于12小时的新生 a college/university after high school must enroll in UNIV 1000. In this class, students have the opportunity to work in groups with other new students, learn how to navigate the 365bet academic system and develop skills that encourage academic success. 学生必须至少获得C才能通过这门课程.


Online/web-based classes

Distance Education supports learning, teaching, and technology in the online environment 什么会影响所有的课程——在线、混合、面对面等等. Our staff manages and provides resources and training on several technologies used while learning at 365bet including the D2L online classroom, Tutor.com online tutoring, Zoom web conferencing, Examity and Honorlock online proctoring, YuJa media management, SmarterMeasure Learning 准备指标,和Turnitin学术写作完整性工具.* Students may encounter one or more of our supported tools in any course. Besides direct support to students, we also collaborate with faculty to improve course quality, technology integration, and design.

远程教育工作人员可以帮助您使用上面列出的任何技术 or with general questions about online learning. Our support desk, Distance Education Support, can be reached Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at online@apsu. edu, 931-221-6625, or in McReynolds 216. Additionally, our Distance Education website, tfj.w3ealthcreator.com/online, has a wealth of information including an introduction to online courses guide, technology training resources, FAQ, helpful tips, and much more.

Important Tips to Get Started

Access to courses in D2L will begin two business days before the official start of classes. 第一天登录你的在线课程,并继续每天检查它们. Online courses are not self-paced; courses begin and end on specific dates and class work has assigned deadlines. Refer to the course syllabus posted within each course 有关课程格式和截止日期的更多信息. Stay up-to-date on assignments. As an online learner, it is your responsibility to manage your time and keep track of assignment due dates. Reach out to faculty and use academic support resources as much as needed to stay successful in your courses. Stay connected with 365bet and your 通过下载Peay Mobile和D2L Pulse应用程序在线课程.


Dropping Classes

Students receiving financial aid should always consult with the Office of Financial Aid prior to dropping a course. Dropping a class can cause financial aid to be lowered especially if the student drops below full-time. Dropping may also affect satisfactory academic progress, which also affects financial aid. 在学生正式注册课程后,该学生将被考虑 to be a member of the class unless the student officially drops the class, officially withdraws from the University, is canceled by administrative authority or is permanently excluded. 当学生休学时,所有的经济义务仍将保留 在没有正式退学或退学的情况下出勤. Dropping a class or classes or complete withdrawal 可能需要偿还经济援助,失去彩票奖学金资格, and/or loss of VA benefits. 


Withdrawal from the University

Not attending class does not remove the student from the class, relieve students from their financial obligations, or entitle them to a refund. Students who withdraw before the first day of class will not incur tuition liability. Students receiving financial 学生应在退学前与财务援助顾问会面. Students will 根据学术上的退款时间表负责收费 calendar.

Students who confirmed their registration must withdraw officially from the University if they decide not to attend 365bet. Official withdrawals must be completed online in AP OneStop. 有关取款的问题,请联系学校办公室 Registrar at 931-221-7150.

Withdrawal from the University 可能需要偿还经济援助,失去彩票奖学金资格, and/or loss of VA benefits. Official withdrawals are completed online in OneStop.


Academic Status, Probation and Suspension

Three levels of academic status exist: good standing, academic probation, and academic suspension. 被留校察看或休学的学生将收到通知 在学期结束时向注册主任办公室提出申请. Students should check 365bet email for official notification.

Good Standing 意味着该学生达到了保留的最低标准.

A student will be placed on academic probation at the completion of any semester/term when the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 达到本科生公报中规定的最低要求. Freshmen and sophomores placed on academic probation will be required to participate in and successfully complete the PASS academic strengthening program. Contact the Office of Student Success at (931) 221-6643 for information about the program.

Students on academic probation who fail to earn the required GPA for that semester 或者将他们的总GPA提高到要求的最低水平 suspended for the next semester. 第二次被停学的学生 will be suspended for one calendar year. Suspended students may file a written appeal with the Office of the Registrar no later than the deadline indicated in the suspension letter. 被无限期停学的学生必须等待一年才能被停学 permitted to appeal.

Conditionally admitted students 进入留校察看,第一学期结束后将被停学 their semester GPA is less than 1.50 and are not allowed to appeal. See the Undergraduate Bulletin online for additional requirements and details.


Office of the Registrar - (931) 221-7150

The Office of the Registrar maintains student academic records — courses registered 对于,尝试和完成,成绩,成绩单,课程替换,更改 专业,居住状态(州内,州外)和协调注册 process. 该办公室提供注册协助,注册验证, 地址和正式名称变更,以及与毕业和课程有关的问题 transfer equivalency. 大多数注册信息,包括等级,都是可用的 in Self Service through OneStop.



Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell (FCC)

Uniformed military personnel, veterans and civilians may take classes and can earn an associate, bachelor’s or master’s degree through the Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell. FCC提供在线、课堂、日间、小班授课和晚间课程. 许多课程是完全在线的,所以学生可以PCS和继续努力 degree. The center offers accelerated 7.5-week terms five times per year. Visit the academic calendar at tfj.w3ealthcreator.com/academic-calendar. 没有军队背景的学生可以获得学期通行证,无忧无虑 entry to the installation throughout the term. Staff will also evaluate students’ 军事经验的学分,以帮助实现学术目标更快.


Inclement Weather Protocol

365bet may remain open during periods of inclement weather. To be notified if classes are canceled or the University is closed due to inclement weather, students should sign up for AP Rave Alert text messaging. 学生也可以查看电子邮件和365bet主页是否取消 or closing notices. 除非学校正式取消课程,否则学生们 因恶劣天气导致的学业缺课负责. It is the 学生有责任联系老师补课 work. In cases of severe inclement weather and hazardous roads, students are to exercise 他们自己的判断来决定是否上课出勤.